donderdag 20 september 2012

What's in my Bag ? 

I know it's a bit of an unusual thing for a lady to "show" the rest of the world what's in her bag ! For crying out loud which Woman does that ?
It's time for some fun I reckon :)
I was inspired to go ahead and Go for it after reading a Blog in June ( Why am I that late ? you wonder )... She showed the Whole World what's in her bag.
Reading the Blogs of Jenny Holiday - Everyday is a Holiday is an absolute source of inspiration ( at least it is for me ).
After reading her Blog I always want to get started and get itchy hands and then my mind is screaming inside Get to Create GO GO GO ... mindblowing so to speak... but back to "My Bag..
Me and "My Bag" got a sort of a Love & Hate relationship. 
It's a very cute bag , Yessss I know ! It was designed by tattoo artist ( she did an awesome piece on my right shoulder, but that's another Blog item I reckon )  Eva Dekkers from Candy Cane,... but there's a but too : It's so big !! 
I have to dive deep deep down into my bag to find something and the fact is: I never can seem to find it ( turning the bag upside down is the only solution then).

So what's in my bag ? 
Well there is no car key , I can't drive,the keys ( housekey with the sweet Token cat and my bikekey) on the photo ? I carry them in the pocket of my fake leather black jacket  ( oeps so that makes the keys aren't really a bag item) ..just like my yellow public transport chipcard .. that I ALWAYS carry in my pocket, you never know: I might loose my Bike key :(
So what you see is a : my going to work Bag *LOL*

* An empty Hello Kitty lunchbox (don't worry mom when I go to work tomorrow I will make some healthy vegan sandwiches) & a soyamilk (mini carton) to make a soyalatte at breaktime
* A book to read in the tram/metro (Love reading books about Frida Kahlo)
* My little black (devilish) agenda
* Red lipgloss for the Rockabella look ;-)
* Retro Sunglasses , I can't really stand it to wear "a thing" on my head but sometimes it's better for my rockabella image .. haha
* A sticky roller to get rit of some cat hair on my clothes or other fluffy things 
* My huge polkadot wallet, why do I even carry a wallet if I have nothing to spend .. *sigh*
* some good writing pen ( love the black fineliner )
* My Green Chinese notebook which I ALWAYS carry with me .. sometimes I have a mindblowing idea and I would be horrorfied if I can't write it down ( is that a good word to express myself ? ) ... * Ohw Help me I have "a thing " for Chines notebooks*
* My Smartphone, I really don't like calling in public, I hate it  .. but when I'm not carrying my photocamera ( in the red polka dot case) then I use the camera on my phone .. Sometimes when I'm wondering down the street and I like to take pictures of unexpected moments or little things that others never seem to see ( well that's what I think ... it's a sort of an Alice in Wonderland thing I guess )
* Some mints in a tiny tin .. I really like the old skool pictures on them this one is called : Morning after mints .. always Hilarious to present a mint during the day . I got them from the website :  
* and last but not least : My spare leopard look bag !! I never ask for plastic bags when I go shopping , I actually refuse to take them .. 
I always think of the environment... maybe that's a Veggie thing ;-)

So you might understand my love & hate relationship with my bag ( and more important what's IN it )

..And to make it more confusing : I have another bag !! 
It's my : "going out Bag".. isn't a cutie ?

A lovely Bag made by !! She did something really special with that gorgeous fabric :
She made me a swingskirt & a Bamboo Bag from the same fabric .
How Rock and Roll is that ?
A bag to match with the skirt ..or is it the other way around *haha* 
It's a small bag , perfect for a night out or a Rockabilly Festival ... and Idon't have to carry my half household with me *lol* 

Yes I'm a weirdo ... but HEY What's new ! 

What's in "your Bag " ?